5 sept 2012

Post-Doc en Australia

Adjunto una oferta postdoctoral en el grupo de Toni Reverter-Gomez.

Dear Colleagues,

We have a 3-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship available in our group dealing with genetic and genomic aspects of fertility in (sub)tropical beef cattle.

Location:                            Queensland Biosciences Precinct, St Lucia, Brisbane, Australia
Salary:                                 $AU 78,000 to $AU 85,000 per annum plus up to 15.4% superannuation
Tenure:                               3 year term
Applications close:           31 October 2012
Further details:                  http://csiro.nga.net.au/?jati=F594742A-3583-C7C3-2CDE-6DF62F3D0E5B

If after reading the selection documentation you require further information please contact
Antonio Reverter (Toni) by email at tony.reverter-gomez@csiro.au or by phone at +61 7 3214 2392.

Best regards,